Monday, September 30, 2019

The Second Coming Analysis

Between the symbolism and allusions, the poem covers the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelations. In the first stanza, â€Å"mere anarchy† refers to the flood in Genesis. The last stanza refers to the anti-christ and the time of the apocalypse. In the final lines Yeats describes the sinners as â€Å"rough beasts† dragging themselves to Bethlehem for the second coming of Christ. The body of the poem describes the decay of society. It refers to the non-believers, or atheists and the real problem, the sinners. However, he does point out that even Christ was tempted in the desert, hell on earth.He uses a metaphor to allude to the Great Sphinx (The body of a lion and the head of a man), which symbolizes the devil’s home. Furthermore, this is also a reference to the Book of Exodus, which describes the morphing of locusts and scorpion’s tails. These layers of meaning make it difficult for high school students to interpret the poem. I suggest that a teacher star t with eight vocabulary words: gyre, vexed, anarchy, revelation, falconer, Spiritus Mundi, reel, indignant. Denote the text. Then discover all the metaphors and symbols. It takes quite a bit of research to connote â€Å"gyre†.The dictionary definition is simple, but Yeats uses gyre in many of his writings. He uses a double-helix to symbolize the spiraling decay of society through â€Å"blood-dimmed tides† or wars. Then he uses the upward spiral to symbolize the times of peace. For Yeats society was a never-ending cycle of war and peace. From there he takes us to medieval times, to a violent, but orderly sport of hunting, until the falcon cannot hear the falconer and it turns into chaotic, unreasonable violence. Is you use the Bible to interpret the rest of the poem, it will be clear: Yeats is a pessimist who saw the underbelly of society.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bible & Internet

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. -Day 1 – God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light â€Å"day† and darkness â€Å"night. † 3 And God said, â€Å"Let there be light,† and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light â€Å"day,† and the darkness he called â€Å"night. † And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. And God said, â€Å"Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water. † 7 So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the vault â€Å"sky. † And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day. -Day 2 – God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it â€Å"sky. † 9 And God said, â€Å"Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. † And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground â€Å"land,† and the gathered waters he called â€Å"seas. † And God saw that it was good. 1 Then God said, â€Å"Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. † And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day. -Day 3 – God created the dry ground and gathered the waters, calling the dry ground â€Å"land,† and the gathered waters â€Å"seas. † On day three, God also created vegetation (plants and trees). 4 And God said, â€Å"Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth. † And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 9 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day. -Day 4 – God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years. 20 And God said, â€Å"Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky. † 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them and said, â€Å"Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth. † 23 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day. -Day 5 – God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird, blessing them to multiply and fill the waters and the sky with life. 24 And God said, â€Å"Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind. And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 26 Then God said, â€Å"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground. † 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 8 God blessed them and said to them, â€Å"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. † 29 Then God said, â€Å"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food. And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. -Day 6 – God created the animals to fill the earth. On day six, God also created man and woman (Adam and Eve) in his own image to commune with him. He blessed them and gave them every creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate. -Day 7 – God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ecco’s global value chain management Essay

1. Describe the competitive environment of ECCO and determine how well ECCO is positioned (vis-à  -vis the competitors) to take advantage of changes in the industry. 2. Analyze ECCO’s global value chain. How well does this configuration match the drivers in the industry? Analyze ECCO’s global value chain. High demand for quality and reduced lead times led the company to a self-sufficiency approach on streamlining its entire value chain from raw hides to finished shoes unlike its major competitors who only designed and marketed their products without in house manufacturing. In having a global network of tanneries, production facilities, research centers and distribution centers, ECCO is able to meet customer demands in specific geographic locations in terms of response times which lead to customer satisfaction. Additionally the firm accrues from benefits of lower labor and production costs and different expertise levels in different locations which can be in turn transferred down to the customers. According to Porter’s value chain framework, ECCO utilized various strategies to achieve a balance of responsiveness and efficiency in their efforts to improve its global value chain . Specifically, the firm utilized: 1) Firm infrastructure In having a factory based in Slovakia, uncertainty and risk of political instability in Thailand could be mitigated by helping to drive up volume between plants and ensuring quicker delivery speeds to markets in Russia & Poland. 2) Human Resources Management ECCO ensured knowledge remained in the company through promoting workers from within and improving worker skills through trainings. 3) Technological Development R&D activities were relocated to the production sites where they could adequately support production processes and optimization of materials. The key competencies of the firm were in product development and production technology to ensure customer comfort in the shoe designs. 4) Procurement ECCO maintained high demands for quality and lead times for the vendors and worked only with experienced firms in building their factories. 5) Inbound Logistics and Outbound Logistics Streamlining of logistics was performed through location of tanneries adjacent to shoe production facilities in Indonesia & Thailand Distribution centers in United States and Denmark were strategically located to serve the market demand in order to match market needs. Appropriate modes of transport such as by sea, vans, freight planes and lorries were utilized depending on the nature and urgency of deliveries. 6) Operations The firm also accrued benefits of sustainability by having control over the entire value chain as it could directly tailor its R & D efforts into production and closely monitoring operations. The distribution centers adapted to changing business environments by expansion to meet capacity demands and closure of some warehouses when sales to the Danish market reduced. 7) Marketing & Sales Utilization of specialty outlets and multi-brand stores ensured ECCO’s shoes would be accessible to the target market of consumers focused on high quality rather than fashion and elegance. Establishment of sales subsidiaries and production units spread all over the world enable the firm to save in terms of labor costs and spread risk. ECCO’s marketing team screened samples and made forecast volumes and production styles before the set shoes were scheduled to be in demand. 8) Service The firm concentrated on utilizing special expertise to its advantage in the case of the Thailand firm producing complicated shoes due to the ability of the Thais to deliver first class workmanship. In addition to shoe manufacture, ECCO supplied leather to auto & furniture industries which offered an alternative market for the tanneries and generated more revenue for the firm. How well does this configuration match the drivers in the industry? Ownership of tanneries, factories and leather research centers  maintained the firm’s brand of commitment to quality and boosted the company’s ambition and confidence in delivering products that met customer expectations In reducing the number of vendors, the company was able to maintain high quality levels through close quality control measures and maintain its brand image of working to create the perfect shoe. The firm also made compromises to its approach in some cases by outsourcing its production for shoes that could not be nefit from its in-house technology. Most firms in the shoe industry outsourced production as a way to cut production and vendor logistic costs. 3. ECCO has a fully integrated vertical value chain. What are the pros and cons of this strategy? What economic and strategic factors should be analyzed to answer this question? Pros: Higher demands of quality can be achieved (e.g. through better quality control) supports the company’s vision of high quality products Core Technology stays within the company You have more price control (=> less exposed to price fluctuation) Eliminate the intermediaries (and obtain the margin of supplier / intermediaries) Higher economies of scale Ability to access leading expert knowledge about tanning Implement shoe and company specific Research & Development (for example less pollution => can be used for marketing) Potential for growth Access new markets  attaining market power => eventually monopolize the market Get into new markets (auto and furniture industries) => diversification => risk spreading Shorter lead times achievable Shows a high level of ambition and confidence Less transaction cost Easier coordination of all stages to reach the objective of customer’s satisfaction More control: You can have more influence on how the product is presented to the people and you can block competitors from getting access to scarce resources Reduce transportation costs if common ownership results in closer geographic proximity ECCO example: factory and tannery in China Increase entry barriers to potential competitors, for example, if the firm  can gain sole access to a scarce resource Cons: Difficulty of integrating the different stages into one entity It requires different skills It may decrease the focus on core competencies High organizational requirements => eventually costs too high It deepens the position in the same field => less flexibility for different variants => not responsive to changing wants of the customer e.g. ECCO is attached to leather shoes Maybe less quality because of lack of competition Strategic and economic factors that should be analyzed: How technology intensive is the market? What skills are needed? Do we fulfill these needs? Can we compete with other companies? Is there a market entry barrier? How much do we have to invest? How many distributors / suppliers are available? How competitive is their market? How big is their margin and market power? Will an integration result in less price fluctuation? Do we have enough resources to realize the organization of the whole supply chain? Do we really want to reinforce our position as a leather shoe fabricant? Or do we want to achieve higher flexibility to open chances to enter new markets? Do we generate a higher supply chain surplus with a vertical strategy? Are there laws or political issues to be considered? Are current suppliers unreliable, expensive or cannot supply the required inputs? References: 4. Is ECCO following the inside-out or outside-in strategic perspective? What are the implications of this choice and how can ECCO increase their sales/marketing efforts? ECCO is following the inside-out strategic perspective. Inside-out strategic perspective definition: â€Å"You pick your own brand direction. You take a stand, confidently go out to the world and declare, â€Å"This is what we stand for and the way we are going.† A combination of gut instincts and sheer courage is enough to create the conviction that your brand strategy will resonate with your target audience. You believe with all your heart that by sticking to your guns, you’ll win a loyal following.† Evidence supporting this perspective in the paper: â€Å"most wanted brand within innovation and comfort footwear – a position that can only be attained by constantly and courageously researching new paths†¦Ã¢â‚¬  – Company Vision Statement â€Å"Evidently, trends in the market it terms of fashion and elegance were important, but usability was ECCO’s highest design priority.† This indicates that ECCO has chosen their brand direction, and even though they do follow market trends, they are maintaining their current course. â€Å"ECCO is not a fashion brand and it never will be. We do not sell shoes where the brand name is the most important and quality is a secondary consideration. Primarily, we sell high-quality shoes and that is where we seek recognition.† – Soren Steffensen (Executive Vice-President, ECCO) A â€Å"fashion brand† would be a good example of a company utilizing an outside-in strategic perspective. Steffensen also addresses ECCO’s brand direction in this quote. Implications of following the inside-out strategic perspective: Often not enough market research is done by companies following this strategic perspective because they are supremely (over) confident in their vision. Inside-out strategic perspective leads to undifferentiated brand strategies like â€Å"excellent usability†, â€Å"high quality†, or â€Å"great value†. An inside-out brand strategy really doesn’t take into account wants/needs of customers. Instead, ECCO attempts to dictate what these wants and needs should be. Ways to increase sales/marketing efforts: ECCO can increase sales by shifting more from â€Å"inside-out† to â€Å"outside-in† in their strategic perspectives. This means instead of simply saying â€Å"X is our priority and Y and Z are our goals†, the company should take customer wants/needs and market trends more into account and tailor their brand direction around this target market. Even though Soren Steffensen states that ECCO is essentially a shoe company focused on utility, perhaps sales would increase with a greater focus on fashion. A company with a greater  emphasis on fashion would probably be a company utilizing an outside-in strategy. Companies based on an inside-out strategic perspective usually require more extensive marketing efforts than companies founded on an outside-in perspective. This is due to the fact that inside-out companies are creating products that the customer has less input in. With this less input, the customer needs to be convinced to purchase the product. 5. How is family ownership affecting ECCO? Comment on the corporate ownership structure and its implications for strategy-making and implementation. What alternatives exist?

Friday, September 27, 2019

Hiring in All 50 States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hiring in All 50 States - Essay Example In both states, public officers are required to hold high school diplomas or equivalent and one has to have completed the required training in relation to the nature of the job vacancy. Both states require one to be physically examined by a licensed physician or a registered nurse practitioner. Finger prints of the employee are supposed to be processed on the file of the hiring company. Both states require one to be fluent in the official language of the states before being hired to avoid communication barriers. For one to be hired in both states there is a requirement of following the application and recruitment procedures thoroughly. Unlike in Florida, hiring requirements in New York states that one should be a resident of the county in which the position exists and it is a requirement for one to have attained a maximum age of thirty five years and not more than twenty years if employed as a civil servant. In Florida, for one to be a certified officer, he/she has to attain a minimum age of 19 years. In positions like police officer, one must be a holder of high school diploma in New York or any equivalent diploma from education departments found in any state of the United States or any diploma that may be compared with high school diploma in any commonwealth country. Unlike in Florida, New York requires public officers and police officers to be citizens of the United States and reside in New York State. Florida requires one to be just a resident of United States and not specifically in Florida. The hiring requirements in both Florida and New York states are different because the two states follow different rules and regulations in regard to employment terms. They are also different because every state is conducted differently and with different laws. Law enforcement in the two states is done differently. The hiring requirements in the two states should be the same because they are under the government of the United States and all

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Modern Childhood and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Modern Childhood and Institutions - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the people in that particular space are tasked with determining how the place will be and the set of rules that will govern it. The way that a person adapts to the spatial space depends on that particular individual. One may decide to let the place influence him or her or may be the one to influence the place. Schools have successfully managed to create space for the children through several spatial disciplines. For instance, they have managed to create a learning space for the children. Through this, children gain knowledge on various topics that they would have not attained had they not attended the institution. This is considered as an investment for their future because it is through education that they will have careers and they are encouraged to put plenty of effort to make sure that they succeed. Learning can be done in classrooms or any other means that the teacher deems fit. The teachers have a role of encouraging the children to study. As th e paper highlights schools have also developed play spaces for children. Children need to relax their minds even though they do not do much. It is unnecessary to strain the brain of a child. They need time off and this is best done by playing. The playing area should be big enough to accommodate the children and allow them to play freely. There should also be a variety of games that the children can be engaged in. The children should always be supervised in the play area. This is because some children may get hurt when playing and it is important for a mature person to always be in charge so as to handle such a case efficiently. Schools also develop spaces that enhance social skills for children. The school environment facilitates the interaction of children from different backgrounds who come together with the aim of gaining education. The children interact and learn different things from each other. Friendships are made as they find it easier to relate with each other.

The class castle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The class castle - Essay Example The movie starts with seventeen-year old Michael who is homeless and living on the streets. Growing up, he had been moved from one foster home to another and now he had taken upon himself to live alone. Out of circumstances including Coach Burt Cotton’s belief that due to his imposing built Michael will prove to be an asset for the school football team, he is admitted into the private and exclusive Wingate Christian School despite his poor academic record. There, due to his childish personality and his inability to connect with people of his own age group he befriends the youngest Tuohy kid, S.J Tuohy (Jae Head). The story begins when Michael Oher is spotted on the street wearing nothing but shorts and T-shirt in the dead of winter by a devout Christian Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock).   Leigh Anne is a strong willed woman who is an established interior designer and the franchise owner of several Taco Bells. Upon learning that Michael is one of her daughter’s classmates she invites him into her house for the night. Next morning when Michael makes to leave, Leigh Anne insists that he spend the Thanksgiving weekend with her family. What started as a gesture of kindness on Leigh Anne’s part slowly turns into something more as Michael becomes a part of the Tuohy family despite the doubts expressed by Leigh Anne’s rich friends. One of them is even strongly rebuked for trying to tell Leigh Anne that her teenage daughter Collins (Lily Collins) is not safe around him. Leigh Anne and her easygoing husband Sean (Tim McGraw) provide Michael with all the support he needs to become a good player on the field. He has a shaky start due to his gentle nature. Leigh Anne on learning that Michael scored 98% in â€Å"protective instincts† in his career aptitude test advices the Coach to tap into his protective instincts. She makes Michael realize that the teammates are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Should Veil be Banned in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Should Veil be Banned in the UK - Essay Example Considering Sura 7:46, a veil acts as a separation between the resident of Heaven and the resident of Hell. In Sura 19: 16-17, a veil is remarked as the symbol of sovereignty and purity. Other explanations in the Quran also describe veil as a separation of evil with the good (Amer, 2000). On this note of an affirmative definition of veiling one shall think that why veil should be banned in the UK or any other country contradicting preaches of Islam and the belief of Islamic women. It was in the year 2006, when Mr. Jack Straw, a leader of the House of Commons in the UK stated ‘Hijab’ to increase the differences between Islamic religion and other religious groups and remarked the practice as a â€Å"visible statement of separation†. This incident was led by the suspension of an assistant teacher wearing veil in her workplace (Sultan-ul-Qalam, 2006). Since then, the practice of wearing veil in the UK by Muslim women has become debatable in relation to the judgment be hind banning the veil in the economic region. The paper presented here will intend to discuss various aspects related to this issue with due regards to local and global values regarding ‘Hijab’ or ‘Full Face Veil’ along with cultural imperialism and national sovereignty of the UK. The role of media will also be analysed to obtain rational in relation to the debated topic of banning veil in the UK. Local Values vs. Global Values Abraham (2007), in his study adroitly states â€Å"Just as complex discourses have developed around the metaphor of ‘the closet’ and ‘coming out of the closet’, the metaphor of ‘the veil’ and the concept of ‘lifting the veil’ have developed their own political debates†. With due consideration to this explanation of veil, the local values can be recognised in this context. Veil which is also called ‘Naqab’ or ‘Hijab’ originates as an Arabic word that refers to as barrier. Moving further from the lexicon explanation, veil has a broader meaning in the local values of Islam. It largely indicates towards the philosophy of modesty in both men and women (Long, 2009: 93-94). However, in the current day context, the most common metaphor of Hijab is an Islamic woman wearing on veil to cover her head, her face and her body. Furthermore, according to the Islamic values, a veil also tends to provide sexual space to the women in the society indicating that women should keep themselves covered in front of any unknown male figure with whom they were unable to theoretically be engaged, i.e. men who do not relate with their family (Long, 2009: 93-94; Abraham, 2007). Even in the current practices, veil is considered by Muslim women to provide them with space in terms of sovereignty and modesty as well as in terms of sexuality (Gabriel & Hannan, 2011). On the contrary, from a generalised point of view the global values of Islam have often presente d the religion as ‘barbaric’ restricting many natural flows of human life. In many instances, the religious beliefs are also stated to reflect the society to be male dominated. For instance, Islam states that men can have more than one wife provided he is able to render equal love and affection to each (Long, 2009: 92). Similarly, from the global perspective wearing a veil is considered to be a religious belief that creates a social difference between the Muslim women and men of the same as well as other religions. Thus, it is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Business writing - Essay Example In contrast, external communication refers to the spread of information outside a particular organization (Courtland 4-7). Especially in a personal interview process, verbal and non-verbal communication techniques are extensively used. Verbal or spoken communication technique cannot be fully isolated from other interpersonal skills such as listening. On the other hand, non- verbal communication relies mainly upon eye contact between a sender and a receiver, facial expression, posture along with gesture, personal appearance, time and space (Loewy and Guffey 12-14). THESIS STATEMENT This essay intends to conduct a self-critique writing based upon an interview. In this regard, several aspects such as analyzing the facets of delivery along with speech composition, distinguishing between weak and strong support, diagnosing interviewing problems and depicting proposed remedies will be discussed. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF SPEECH COMPOSTION AND DELIVERY In relation to the mock interview conducted , it can be analyzed that during the interview process, my speech composition was not up to the mark. This can be justified that when the interviewer asked me to tell about myself, I was not very much confident to give her a specific answer. Consequently, as I was not much confident, my eye contact missed a lot. Moreover, during the time of delivering a speech, at certain times, I felt much hesitated to give her with appropriate response. When the interviewer took a time to ask me the next question, in between that time, I looked around here and there, which eventually revealed a negative impression towards the interviewer. When the interviewer asked me the reason for working in her company, I told her that it is my personal interest of doing the job rather than professional interest. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN WEAK AND STRONG SUPPORT One of my strong supports in relation to the mock interview was my polite behavior while communicating with the interviewer. I presented myself quite joyfull y and friendly with the interviewer. Moreover, in relation to the strong support, it can be affirmed that when the interviewer asked me about my strengths along with weaknesses, I was able to provide these information much confidently. On the other hand, relating to the mock interview, my weak support was that I was not properly dressed, which might created a negative impression in front of the interviewer. It can also be viewed from the interview that I was not much confident enough as I looked here and there while asked the questions by the interviewer to me. IDENTIFY UNCLEAR RESPONSES AND IDENTIFY POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS In relation to the conduct of the mock interview, an unclear response can be identified at the time when I asked the interviewer about the future planning of the company. In this regard, one of the possible solutions concerning this unclear response could be asking the interviewer about various job related aspects such as job timing, salary structure and other associa ted questions. DIAGNOSE INTERVIEWING PROBLEMS AND PROPOSE REMEDIES From the mock interview conducted, certain interviewing problems can be apparently observed. In this similar concern, one of the problems was that I was not much confident enough to answer the questions asked by the interviewer. Moreover, the other interviewing problems were identified to be less eye to eye contact and the tone of voice is also quite low. Apart from

Monday, September 23, 2019

Wk 2 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wk 2 questions - Essay Example In macro needs assessments, surveys will probably be required. In contrast, in very micro settings, consultations with the local population and professional judgment can suffice to make a valid need assessment. This is because in very micro-settings, the community people can be convened for headcounts to substitute for surveys or census and professional judgment based on ocular inspection or rapid random sample or 100% physical check-ups on the population can suffice to identify health needs. If resources are limited then a combination of the following can be done to make rapid needs assessment: 1) key informant interviews; 2) focused group discussion; 3) consultations meetings with the community, local authorities, and local professionals; and 4) workshops with community leaders, local authorities, and local professionals. In the key-informant interviews, we focus on the local people or non-residents of the community whom we believe have an intimate of the locality. For instance, community leaders and anthropologists/sociologists who have been studying the community can be classified as â€Å"key informants†. In a focus group discussion, we convene a small group who are usually composed of people whom we can also classify as key informants to discuss needs and make an assessment of the situation or needs of the community under our supervision. In consultations meetings with the community and other stakeholders, we can convene a meeting with them even without maki ng a distinction between key informants and non-key informants and discuss with them community needs. We ask them to identify for us what their community needs are---under our supervision, of course. Workshops are very similar with focused group discussion except that the latter are more democratic and participatory. The unities arrived at workshop are usually stake-holder driven rather than driven by

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Synopsis of the Movie The Hurt Locker Essay Example for Free

A Synopsis of the Movie The Hurt Locker Essay How do at least two of the following production elements combine to engage audiences with what is occurring one scene or sequence of the narrative you have studied. Scene 6 escalates the growing tension between James and Sanborn through sound and camera work. The audience assumes that the situation is extremely dangerous at the beginning of the scene due to the air raid siren sounds and the long shot establishing the evacuation of the UN building. This chaos is further emphasised by the shaky camera and the stressed voice tones in the dialogue of Sanborn and Eldridge. The audience’s tension is then released by James’ sigh as he puts out the burning car fire. The chaotic tension between the team members and their interrelationships is highlighted by the quick, hasty shots between the three as they attempt to access the bomb. The audience is further involved in this scene even more so, being positioned as the fourth team member, often by shots through the scope of a gun and through the bomb suit mask. By involving the audience, Bigelow is able to further engage the audience with the relationships between the characters. Bigelow makes the audience on edge during this scene through the highlighted breaths and sighs of Jeremy Renner. The sighs are often used to release tension between the characters and the audience, in particular when Renner defuses the bomb and he receives his adrenaline rush. Renner also exhales heavily when searching the car for the bomb, emphasising the frustration and inability to find the bomb. This allows the movie goers to feel James’ adrenaline rush kicking in as well. When Renner cuts the seat of the car, the shot creates a sound edit. The audience is still experiencing the high emotions from the intercutting shots between Sanborn and James when the frame cuts to black and the sound of the cutting shocks the audience into believing that someone has been shot. Fittingly, the ripping of the material by Renner further establishes his character as a stupid or blindly courageous character, making the audience less favourable of him as he is endangering his own life and the lives of Sanborn and Eldridge.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Geography Geography Location The community lies in the Weschnitz valley in the Odenwaldsome 25km north of Heidelbergand about 20km northeast of Mannheim. It is on Bundesstraße38, and the river Weschnitz flows through it. The land is hilly, green and dotted with horse farms and forests. Neighbouring communities Birkenau borders in the north on the community of MÃ ¶rlenbach, in the east on the community ofAbtsteinach, in the south on the community ofGorxheimertaland in the west on the towns of Weinheimand Hemsbach(both in Rhein-Neckar-KreisinBaden-WÃ ¼rttemberg). Constituent communities Birkenaus Ortsteileare Birkenau, Buchklingen, Hornbach, Kallstadt, LÃ ¶hrbach, Nieder-Liebersbach, Reisen and Schnorrenbach. Climate Owing to its location near the Bergstraße, a mild climate prevails in Birkenau, which can often be seen in what for Germany is a very early blossoming ofalmondtrees. History Schloss Birkenau Birkenau had its first documentary mention in 795 in the Lorsch Codexas a cell of the Lorsch Abbey. As one of the Abbeys holdings, it passed into the ownership of the Archbishopric of Mainz in 1232. The centres of Hornbach and Balzenbach, on the other hand, belonged to Electoral Palatinate, meaning that after the Reformation, they belonged to different denominations. In 1532 the town hall was built, and in 1771 the palace, Schloss Birkenau, of the Lords of Wambolt von Umstadt. By 1964, the population had grown to more than 5,000. In 1967 the community was recognized as a recreational resort (Erholungsort) and in 1979 as an open-air resort (Luftkurort). Owing to the only slight tourism, however, it has not reapplied for this designation. In 1995, Birkenau celebrated its 1,200-year jubilee.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Brief History of the Bauhaus :: essays research papers

An architect named Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus in 1919 in Weimar, Germany. Gropius’ main objective of the school was to use each student’s creativity to change industrial and architectural ideas by integrating, into them, visual art. The Bauhaus sought to change the ideas of the industrial society that began in the beginning of the century. In the early Bauhaus, painters like Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky joined the school to teach advanced ideas of form, color and space. Klee’s work used subject matter that translated into graphical signs and symbols that invoked strong visual communications. He integrated modern art with the work of nonwestern cultures and children that charged visual communications. Kandinsky’s work at the school was based on his belief in the strong spiritual values of color and form. He taught his firm belief in the use of color and visual elements to depict the artist’s mood without the use of subject matter. Johannes Itten also played a major role in early Bauhaus. He taught a preliminary course in which his goals were to release each students creativity and to better their understanding of the physical nature of materials. Itten emphasized visual contrasts and and the analysis of Old Master paintings. He eventually left the school in 1919 because of a disagreement of how the course was to be conducted. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy took Ittens place later that year. Moholy-Nagy was a relentless experimenter who brought in new materials such as acrylic resin and plastic and later introduced students to new techniques such as photomontage and photogram. He also placed great emphasis on the use of type as â€Å"a tool of communication†. The school eventually moved on to Dessau, Germany because of tension between the school and the Weimar government. There was tension from the beginning but nothing was done until a new, more conservative administration had come into power. This led to the resignation of the director and it’s masters. Two weeks after this the students of the school each wrote letters to the government stating that they would be leaving along with the masters. The school was moved to a temporary facility in Dessau until a new school was designed and occupied in the fall of 1926. During the Dessau period the schools philosophy and identity came into full fruition. The Bauhaus Corp. was created, allowing the sale of prototypes created at the school to the industry.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Selfish Love in Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights Essay -- Wuthering H

The Selfish Love in Wuthering Heights      Emily Brontà «'s Wuthering Heights is a classic soap opera type drama of infatuation and deceit. Brontà « advances the plot of this story in several different ways. Perhaps the most effective method and indeed the most vital parts of this story are the characters. Of all the characters of this story, Catherine and Heathcliff stand out the most. There are many similarities as well as many differences between these two characters. The two characteristics most commonly shared by Catherine and Heathcliff are love, although sometimes it's hard to tell if it really is love, and selfishness and conceitedness, so extreme at times that it is hard not to get irritated with the novel. The mixture of the love and selfishness of these two characters proves to be fatal. Time and again Catherine's extreme selfishness and conceitedness are put on display. Whether it is through deceit or betrayal, Catherine's selfishness plays an important role in almost every situation she is involved in. Perhaps due to the environments that she was exposed to growing up, Catherine becomes very conceited and selfish as a child. After returning from a stay with the Lintons, Catherine is even worse. Brontà « shows, "Our young lady returned to us, saucier, and more passionate, and haughtier than ever" (65). Catherine's actions were often governed by her extreme selfishness. In fact, her marriage with Edgar Linton was almost entirely based around what she would get out of it. In a conversation with Nelly, Catherine demonstrates this in saying, "...He will be rich, and I shall like to be the greatest woman of the neighbourhood, and I shall be proud of having such a husband," she tells Nelly (57). She has only married for m... ... similar in this aspect. Catherine would not have even been in her death bed had she not acted so selfishly with her husband and Heathcliff.    This timeless novel is one of love and deceit. The main characters of Catherine and Heathcliff never cease to amaze as their extreme selfishness ruins every situation they are involved in. When reading this book, it is easy to get lost in how dismal things are; however, by the end, the book does teach a lesson. Wuthering Heights demonstrates many things. Though the characters of this book were far exaggerated, and at times frustrating, they teach a very distinct lesson. Love is not meant to be selfish, and if it is, it will never work. The selfish love of Catherine and Heathcliff causes almost every conflict in this book.    Work Cited: Charlotte Brontà «.   Wuthering Heights.   New York: TOR Books, 1989.     

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Avarice In America :: essays research papers

Avarice In America When the topic of American economics arises, the infamous Robber Barons of the 19th Century often springs to mind. They are often glorified as "Captains of Industry" for their money making strategies and enterprising methods. Those who hold this view probably do not know the evils of the laissez-faire capitalism in which the Robber Barons believed and participated. They wanted an unrestricted system of economics so that they could amass as much money as they could to out do each other and control the power in society. They were not as glorious and generous as some people make them out to have been. In laissez-faire capitalism, there are no restrictions on business so the enterprising capitalists were able to obtain monopolies by combining with other companies or simply buying them out. By doing this, the owners could raise the price of their goods or services to an intolerable amount so that they could gain even more money. This often put the common working people out of a job because the owners could get children and poor European and Asian immigrants to do the same menial factory jobs for pennies a day. This angered the Unions of America because their livelihood depended on the American working class. The Unions then persuaded the government to regulate the business giants and control the amount of money the companies could take in by disallowing monopolies and child labor. The "Kings of Capitalism" disregarded the impact their actions had on the lives of the working class men and their families. Many went hungry because of the lack of jobs available and were f orced to go into debt to the companies that was impossible to be repaid. The Robber Barons would do almost anything to gain more money and more power even putting hard working people out of their houses. It is often said that money is the root of all evil. The Robber Barons of the late 19th century proved this theory without fail. They showed that greed can overtake morals if the conditions are right. It is very evident that the Robber Barons had no qualms about ruining the lives of the people that worked for them and of society in general.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Managerial Epidemiology for Gerontological Health Care

Gerontology is the scientific study of aging as well its effects. In the recent years, the field of gerontology had been the focus of many concerned citizen because there is a significant increase on the elder sector of the society. Practically all academic disciplines and non-academic professions are affected by the aging of Americans. The study of aging and associated issues, therefore, will be of critical importance during the next century as the â€Å"baby boomers† pass into the ranks of the older generation. For this paper, the main objective is to have a study about gerontology in a managerial perspective. It will focus on the kind of healthcare service that will be given on the elder sector without compromising the quality of the said service. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The Healthcare Industry The healthcare industry is one of the most fast growing industries in the world. The main purpose of the industry is to provide health services like prevention, treatment of diseases, and the maintenance of wellness through the combined force of doctors and other related profession. Problems in Healthcare Industry A.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Low Quality of Healthcare service Some healthcare service has low quality of service they offered. This is because of the financial status of healthcare center. They cannot afford to buy medicines and apparatus for their services. This is mainly on the poor status of a certain country.(Emerald, 2006) B.  Ã‚   Recruitment and Human Resource Quality Shortage and low quality of doctors and other related profession is another problem of healthcare industry. This will lower the healthcare services that will need by several people. Solutions to the Dilemma A.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Implementation of New Technology Implementations of information and communication technology of healthcare industry will vehicle the development and improvement of the industry in offering medical care. (Sangaran, 2006) B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Good Recruitment Even though healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing industries, the recruitment is one of the problems. Proper staffing, improvement on the salary and benefits and a safe working place will attract people to go in healthcare industry. (Goldstein, 2006) C.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retain Valuable Employees Retain employees that have high quality in proper attitude towards work. These qualities are being responsible, high motivation in their work and skilled and talented personnel. These are the main key for the success of the industry. (â€Å"Retain Valuable Employees.† 2006) D.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sets Standards Sets of standards must be made to guide the employees in their work. These standards will be used to provide ethics as they serve their patients. Technology and Research In the advent of the advance technology, new methods and materials were produce to prolong the life of man. In this stage also were health care industry was more known. Many benefits to man are provided by the said industry. It helps and maintains good health on man and prevents further illness. High technology brought many positive changes to human kind. It produces many tools to help people life easier. Another breakthrough in the field of medicines and therapies is the result from many research studies. Many findings brought significant result that help to prolong and sustain a healthy aging among elder citizens. It also produces many medicines that lower the rate of mortality and prolonging life. With this, population in the world gradually increases (Wilfond, 2005). From the given statement, we will have a intelligent guess that intervention of technology as well the application of findings of research will have a significant effect on the effectiveness and preventive ness in the elder care sector. The most evident form of intervention of technology in the healthcare industry is the utilization of newly advance medical equipments. These equipments are capable of detecting possible health problems as well able to cure patient elder people. Moreover, with this high sophisticated apparatus, physicians can do medical operation easier. Some of these medical apparatus that are more advanced includes X-ray machines, MRI, surgical computers and many others. Another application of technology in medicine is telemedicine. As the name implies, it combines the application of medicine and telecommunication. Specifically, telemedicine involves telecommunications and information technology to provide clinical care to individuals at a distance and to transmit the information needed to provide. We know for the fact that elder people find it hard to go to hospital just to check the physical condition. But with the introduction of telemedicine, physicians will be able to monitor their patients who are in their own houses. Findings from research do also play vital role in the health service given to elder people because these results will be applied to the elder people. Like in the case of healthy aging where different method are examined that will make aging among elders healthier and not the other way around. These studies will provide necessary information that will lessen the effects of aging among senior citizen. These findings are being employed by many health care institutions to decrease the number of fatality on the elder sector. Examples of the proposed of many researches are to exercise, drink plenty of water, and eat the right kind of foods. Right kind of food means eating healthy and nutritious foods. Eating vegetables and fruits regularly will prevent the risk in many dangerous diseases like cancer, and heart diseases. Proper diet will ensure the normal activities of our cells, tissues and organs (Healthwise, 2007). REFERENCES: Emerald. (2006). International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance.  Ã‚   Retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚   April 8, 2006 Goldstein, G. (2006). How Can A Union Solve Problems on the Job?  Ã‚   Retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   April   Ã‚   7, 2006 Healthwise. (2007). Healthy Aging – Topic Overview [Electronic Version]. Retrieved April 13, 2008, from Retain Valuable Employees. (2006).  Ã‚   Retrieved April 6, 2006, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Keywo  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   rd=RetainEmployees Sangaran, S. (2006). Healthcare Sector Will Benefit From ICT Implementation.  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved April 7, 2006, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   m_ict_implementation/index.html?source=r_health Mills, A.M., C.L. Wilkinson, and D.R.   Bromham. (1996)†Guidelines for Prescribing Combined Oral Contraceptives  .† British Medical Journal . Wilfond, B. (2005) â€Å"Ethical Issues with Marketing â€Å"Off Label† Drug Use in Pediatrics. .† National Institute of Health.   

Monday, September 16, 2019

Racial Inequality Can Be Resolved Using No Violence

Looking at society is it easy to identify many global issues circulating the world in our present day. These issues extend from sexual and racial differences to religious affairs to, finally, larger conflicts such as proceeding wars. The aim of this project is to focus on one global issue that in some way directly influences me and has a somewhat negative impact. Once identifying the issue and analyzing it I am to research on two identities that have, in the past, been faced with the same issue and attempted to solve it. I am to analyze their methods concluding weather they’ve been successful or not. Taking many affairs into consideration I have concluded to one problem that is most closely linked to my everyday life and me. This problem is racial discrimination. It does not affect me directly as I have never lived in a society where my race was discriminated against however I have lived among a diversity of races and have seen the impact it has on my closer friends. Having chosen the topic I wish to explore I have then formulate my problem into a question which states; How can racial equality be increased using non-violent methods? I have chosen to formulate my question like this because I cannot say that I live in an environment that fully discriminates and degrades racial differences however I can say that it is not an environment and society that is completely oblivious to racial differences as in an ideal situation it should be. I have chosen to explore this problem as I grew up in a multi-racial society where racial discrimination was never a factor as race was completely neglected and everyone seemed to be equal. Moving to my current society I have found that it is not the case and the racial majority here seems to be the white and has very limited views on other races. I found that this could be due to the lack of interaction with other races and find it disturbing as I expected people to be more open minded and less primitive on the situation. As I go to an international school I’d expect the racial tolerance to be higher than amongst people who do not however I was surprised to see racial injustice amongst some of my classmates. I have chosen this problem as even though I am among the majority, according to my race, I am still affected by how the minority is mistreated. Seeing as this is also a global problem I have chosen two personalities who have in the past been faced with this problem and attempted in solving it. My first identity is Martin Luther King Jr. as he fought for the civil rights of African Americans using non-violent methods. And my second identity is Nelson Mandela as he fought against the Apartheid in Africa, persisting nonviolent methods to their full extent. I chose Martin Luther King Jr. as one of my personalities as he fought for racial equality for African Americans in the United States, using nonviolent methods, and Mahatma Ghandi as an influence. He fought through campaigns and in organizations, using strictly no violence, in attempt to achieve his goal, civil rights for African Americans, first in the United States then globally. Nelson Mandela is my second choice, as he fought for his goal over many decades, not necessarily without violence, however with determination to achieve it no matter if it began to seem impossible. Both personalities have had a great impact in the world and have become iconic figures of what they fought for, this is the major reason I chose them and not anyone else. They have gained a title with their name and this is what makes them significant and relevant to this problem. Analysis Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15th 1929 and lived till April 4th 1968, dying at an early age of 39. He was an activist fighting for civil rights of African Americans living in the US at that time. In 1955 he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which was a political and social protest campaign whose aim was to oppose the Montgomery city policy of segregating the racially different in public transportation. Two years later, in 1957, he assisted the foundation of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, of which he became the president. The SCLC is a civil rights organization, which was a huge part of the Civil Rights Movement at that time fighting for the civil rights of African Americans. In 1963 a political rally was held in support of the economical and civil rights of African Americans, it was called the March on Washington, in which Martin Luther King held his â€Å"I Have A Dream† speech outlining racial equality and proposing an end to discrimination. King also tried to expand American values ad include the vision of a ‘colour-blind’ society, which according to his terms was a society oblivious to skin colour and race creating equality for everyone. Subsequently to the speech in 1964 Martin Luther King Jr. became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Piece Price for his engagement in the end to racial segregation and discrimination through civil disobedience and in a peaceful manner. After this he resumed his contributions to help end poverty and stop the then occurring Vietnam War. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th 1968 the third Monday of each January is celebrated as a U. S. Federal holiday since 1986. Nelson Mandela is a South African born on July 18th 1918. In 1942 he qualified in law from the University of Witwatersrand and joined the African National Congress only two years later. The National Party supported the apartheid policy of racial segregation and won the 1948 election becoming the ruling party in South Africa. After this time Mandela became more active in participating in politics. In 1952 the ANC organizes the Defiance Campaign, which promoted equality amongst South Africans providing full civil rights. This he followed with the Congress of the People in 1955. This also outlined the importance of equality among South African People provided the basis of the anti-apartheid cause. Simultaneously Mandela and Oliver Tambo (1) commenced and operated a law firm providing free or low-cost legal counsel to many blacks who lacked any professional representation. Like Martin Luther King Jr. Mandela was influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings of non-violent resistance, as were the following generations of South African anti-apartheid activists. In 1956 Mandela was arrested for treason and was on trail until 1961 when he was finally freed from criminal charge. In 1960 Mandela argued for the setting up of a military wing within the African National Congress, which in June 1961 was finally agreed to. This is how the Umkhonto we Sizwe was formed. This was nothing mor e than an armed wing of the ANC, which fought against the apartheid government. In 1962 Mandela was once again arrested however this time sentenced to five years imprisonment only to be tried with plotting to overthrow the government by violence the following year. With this he was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment. From 1964 till 1982 Mandela was imprisoned at Robben Island Prison, just off the coast of Cape Town. Even during his imprisonment Mandela’s reputation grew as the most significant black leader in South Africa and as the symbol of resistance the anti-apartheid movement gathered strength. His refusal to compromise his political position over his freedom was constant from which his popularity grew even more vastly. On February 11th 1990 Mandela was released after which he immediately returned to his life’s goals that he had set four decades earlier. He served as the South African president from 1994 till 1999. Conclusion It is evident to conclude that in his short lifetime and even shorter time of being active Martin Luther King Jr. accomplished a lot as he had aimed to. It is unfortunate that his death came so soon as he might have been able to proceed with more changes in the world. Mandela also spent a lot of his life fighting for what he believed in, granted not always peacefully, and however unlike King Mandela did spend 27 years in prison, coming out with even more will power and reason to pursue his goals. Both men deserve the recognition they gained and are good role models and identities for this project. It is evident that King fully succeeded in using non violent methods to pursue his goal however the two identities were placed in two different positions, one with more ‘freedom’ one with less, to fight for the same goal. Yet looking back at the times it is evident that the situation for Mandela seemed to be a lot harder hence resulting in him using violence to a certain extent. Solution Campaign methods have proven to be the most widely used in the past and somehow the most successful however the key to their success is the involvement of the government in the issuing of new policies. In our community there an interracial relationship is not banned neither is the use of any public or private factors between the races. Each and every race is regarded as an equal and there is no policy saying otherwise. Yet the factor of racial discrimination is still present, this is not as extreme as it used to be and was presented in Mandela and King’s case however the racial prejudice stands between the actual members of the community. This prejudice most commonly consists of verbal accusations with some violent occurrences however no major events have been marked. Therefore enforcing a campaign to acquire new laws and policies would be pointless, as this would not change anything. This racial prejudice is mostly expressed in schools amongst younger generations and therefore this is where it should be suppressed. As my solution against this problem I would enrol punishments to students who racially discriminate against others. I would enforce the punishment not to be too mild as this will lead to no future change. In my opinion is a child is racially violated in a classroom or in the presence of a teacher they should be sent out preceding a warning. If this behaviour is repeated the student’s inflicting the crime parents should be called in for consultation. This may seem harsh however racial prejudice has a great impact on one person and completely banishing it should be practiced. On a wider scale to encourage the presence of other races the government should enforce the translation of crucial signs and notices as for the foreigners to understand. On a larger scale not much can be done to punish a verbal offender however violence for racial discrimination should be punished. As I mentioned before this issue is not so serious amongst my community outside school and only action to encourage an interracial community can be encouraged.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Assess the Extent to Which the Wilson Government Achieved

Assess the extent to which the Wilson Government achieved its objectives by 1970 To assess the Wilson Government which ran from the years 1964 to 1970 you have to look at what the Labour government promised to achieve if they won the election in 1964. You have to look at what the changes the Wilson government brought forward in their time in office and how the personalities of its politician’s effects decisions made. The election campaign in 1964 was a close run contest even though there was a low public approval of the current Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home.The labour party only won a majority of 3 seats. The reason for the decline in support for the Conservative party was because of events and scandals such as the Profumo affair in 1963. Looking at Labour in the run up to the General Election, they promoted themselves with a more modern youthful image that was more in tune with the times rather than the aristocratic feel of Home’s Conservative government, this lead the Labour party to create an increased lead when it came to looking at the opinion polls.Wilson then leader of the opposition went into his 1963 conference speech talking about how Britain was ready to fully exploit the â€Å"white heat of the technological revolution. † The labour party was trying to show itself as being the right force to progress Britain against the ineffective current political establishment. As Peter shore said â€Å"†¦ it was a case of smart Alec against dull Alec†¦ â€Å". The Labour party won the General Election in 1964 because of a skilful election campaign and certain errors in the Conservative party around the time of the election being called.The Labour party during the first years in Government between 1964-66 were successful in achieving its objectives, Labour wanted the tackle the problems in the Economy and the changing of Britain into a post industrial society. The Labour party therefore projected the image of following a  "third way† in which the economy would be managed with scientific planning. This lead to Wilson creating the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) with George Brown at its head, this department would be separate from the treasury and would allow Britain to plan its way out of the economic difficulties.It was created because the treasury was seen with being strongly conservative and the high ranks of the Labour Party considered this as key to Britain’s economic failure. The Idea seemed a successful resolution as France was working on a more planned economy also and had much higher GDP growth rate. However the reality showed that the government failed in its objectives. Ironically the problem of this â€Å"Super Department† was that it wasn’t planned prior to its introduction. As George Brown stated â€Å"I think it is a pity that we didn’t produce a ‘Blueprint’ setting out precisely what we wanted to achieve†.The treasury also went out of its own way to make the work of the new department fail, reports suggested that Brown’s phone was bugged to allow the Treasury to keep track of the dealings he made and the dealings of the office. Even though these difficulties Brown still produced the ‘National Plan’ which aimed at the economic targets set out in the General Election of 1964. It was an achievement to create this plan which aimed at stimulating industrial production and exports by encouraging cooperation between the government, employers and trade unions.It was a success that the plan was drafted however it was a failed attempt. The grand expansion targets set out in the plan were not met because at the time it was published the economy was in too bad of a way for cooperation alone to work. An emergency budget was released in July 1966, which aimed at cutting public spending and increasing taxes. This was seen as a turning point in the Wilson government in which the public had a growing d istrust about the government’s capability to fix the economy.In 1966 Wilson called a General Election in the aim of increasing his parliamentary majority, The Election was called for March 1966 and The Labour Party was victorious and increased their majority from 3 to 96. The Wilson Government had many difficulties in the period from 1966-70 with the difficulty with the trade unions due to economic problems leading to tension. Wilson believed that increasing inflation and Britain’s balance of payments deficit presents major treats to economic progress, wages and salary increases much be kept more in check.A prices and incomes board was established to regulate pay settlements. The trade unions hoped that the Wilson government would bring those benefits and they resented being lectures and told to be reasonable. This failure with the trade unions set back government objectives and the economy took heavy blows. The government was hit with a series of industrial strikes an d disputes which included the National seamen’s strike in 1966 and the Dockers’ strike of 1967. The Wilson government was running out of ideas on how to control the economy and in November 1967 devaluation of the Pound was introduced.This was because of the deficit being so large that Wilson had asked for another loan from the IMF, blaming the seamen’s strike. The loam was only seen as a stop gap. The Devaluation involved reducing the exchange rate of sterling from $2. 80 to $2. 40 for every ? 1. The aim was to make British goods easier to sell abroad. The delayed implication of the measures meant that the mere financial adjustment turned into a political and economic failure for Wilson and the Labour party. Showing that the government could not run the economy and had failed to deliver objectives set out in 1964 and 1966.Callaghan stood down as Chancellor in 1967 swapping places with Home sectary Roy Jenkins. The trade unions were angered that Wilson had tried to blame those for the government’s financial difficulties and many academics had concluded that Wilson overestimated the Balance of Payments deficit, leading to a failure in the majority of its economic objectives. However aside from the Political and Economic side the Wilson government did achieve some of its objectives in the social changes it set forth to create. The Wilson government can’t be criticised from its social reform.The Race Relations Acts, 1965 and 1968 prohibited racial discrimination in public places and in areas such as employment and housing and make Incitement to racial hatred an offence. More important social reforms such as the Abortions act of 1967 which permitted the legal termination of pregnancy and the abolition of the death penalty in 1969 which made permanent a measure that was passed in 1965 that had suspended the operation of the death penalty. These social changes and reforms may be said to mark an important stage in the modernising of Britains social attitudes. Many were the work of Roy Jenkins.He personified the tolerant, sophisticated attitudes that he wished to see become predominant in Britain. These were successful for the labour party and Wilson government. Showing objectives were achieved which cannot be said as much in industry and the economy. By the time of the general election in 1970 there was the feeling that the Labour government had failed to live up to expectations. The sense of disappointment was felt harsh by the young. Arguments stated that Wilson entered office claiming to be the head of a modernising and reforming government but really all that was changed was the style and not the content.In conclusion the Wilson government had some success in the social reforms it implicated but didn’t plan enough to address the economy and industry, it lost the support of the trade unions and was seen to be a failure from the public. In 1970 even through labour party optimism Edward heath walked int o 10 downing street as the Conservative prime minister with a 30 seat majority. This showed the ultimate fail of a clever but seemingly unorganised Labour party and government which didn’t successfully achieve enough of its objectives and therefore lost the 1970 election.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Final Exam Hrdv 5700

Final Exam HRDV 5700 Career Management Recommendation 1. Executive Summary A brief summary of your recommendation and key points 2. Recommendation I am recommending a restructuring of employee mentorship and incentive programs to increase employee morale and decrease turnover. a) Mandatory Employee Goal Statements b) Upper Management Mentorship Twice a Quarter Upper Management team members will provide employees with Goal feedback and assessment * Twice a Quarter Mini Management Training Seminars c) Goal Completion Incentive Packages for Sales Team Members * Sales workers will receive predetermined incentives for meeting company sales goals d) Employee Commitment Bonus for Hourly Employees * Predetermined completion incentives will be set to encourage superior employee practices. Ie 90 days of time arrival will earn you an extra hour of lunch breaks, which can be saved to total up to one full day off then the record, will restart. . Justification This recommendation is being offered due employee evaluations that overwhelming viewed employer involvement in career management as almost non-existent. e) Employee Evaluations * Employees were interviewed and asked a standard set of questions to determine their view on employee Career Management. 4. Background f) History of the Issue: * Blanks Family Paper Company: midsize paper company located in the Midwest. * Current Employee Career Management Practices: None * Current Rational: Work and Get Paid Only Feature Article Fin 486 Final ExamCurrent Basis for hourly employees is work 40 hours and get paid for 40 with no incentives. Current incentive for sale worker: 8% of sales. With no sales incentives. g) Symptoms vs. Causes: * Blanks Family Paper Company current increased turnover from 2010 to 2011, increase in HR Complaints, overall moral is all what have called a need for Employee Career Management standards. * Increased turnover, and decrease in sales have been the major sparks for change. * After interviews, employee surveys, and irrefutable turnover percentage have all been used to gauge this need for change. ) Cost Implications: * Cost and Benefit Statement * What are the annualized costs and benefits? * Do the benefits outweigh the costs? * What will be the impact on the HR budget? i) Legal Implications: * There are no foreseen legal implications. But all newly implement practices will be evaluated annually by an outside law firm to check for any discrepancies. j) Relationship Implications: * The employees have voiced their concerns thoroughly and responding positively to all suggest forms of Career Management Reform. Supervisors and Managers should be ready and willing to implement these changes. Implementations of the new changes will prove to be beneficial to all employees. Increased company moral is always a positive * These changes will have a positive effect on retention and recruiting. Employees will be willing to stay at a company who values more than the time on the clock but also the lives that are developing. Furthermore, increased company moral and proven healthy and positive Employee Career Management Program will be an huge selling point in company recruitment.It is a major seller of college graduates who desire a career and not just a job. * Outside critics should likely be impressed by our company’s new direction and involvement in the wellbeing of our employees. * Will it impact recruiting and retention. k) Other company practices: * Solutions for Boosting Moral According to Forbes. com: a) Greenbacks are nice, of course, but barring those, Nelson discovered that most employees crave communication, involvement and autonomy. While a hearty pat on the back always feels good, extra attention and sense of ownership feel even better. ) â€Å"Every employee should be given the chance to determine how best to do their jobs, as well as increased authority and leeway in the handling of company resources,† says Nelson. c) Arbill, a Philadelphia-based workplace-safety consultancy, takes that observation to heart. The company boosts morale by giving the troops more responsibility. â€Å"We created employee committees to do things like set up a health fair, a food co-op and other [projects],† says chief executive Julie Copeland. d) But the extra work doesn't just make people feel good. Watching how employees manage these committees helps us create a great bench of leaders for the company,† says Copelan d. e) Taking an interest in your employees also means investing in their future. That's why training and development opportunities are energizing perks. Check out the local community colleges and university-extension departments for affordable classes, and foot part or all of the tuition for eager employees. f) Company picnics? Chuck them. Employees don't care–in fact, they find them a burden. Better to grant the flexibility for personal time to handle family obligations.Four-day work weeks are becoming popular (though they come with their own  complications). If possible, consider letting people work from home one day a week–with gas at $4 a gallon, that savings will feel a like a holiday bonus. * Solutions for Battling Employee Turnover According to NFIB. com a) Surveys Employee satisfaction surveys can get to the root of workplace dissatisfaction. You might find that some people are leaving for better pay or benefits, whereas others feel they haven’t receiv ed sufficient training.Surveys set an expectation that management will act on the findings, so be sure to publish a follow-up plan of action afterwards. b) Happiness Assessments Mary Miller, CEO of janitorial services company JANCOA, says annual turnover at her company used to be over 360%. â€Å"Come 5 o’clock every day we were trying to figure out how we were going to get buildings cleaned,† she recalls. But Miller found that addressing employees’ happiness outside of the workplace trumped other methods for improving retention at her Cincinnati-based company.She started holding group conversations with employees to discuss what problems they faced in their personal lives—and what would make them happier overall. The company created a program called Dream Manager, whereby teams use creative ways to help employees achieve their dreams. In one case, two workers temporarily swapped schedules so that one could take a music production class. â€Å"Studies sh ow that turnover rarely has anything to do with money,† Miller says. Through this program, Miller says she’s lowered the turnover rate to 45%. c) Hiring Practices â€Å"Most companies don’t track their quality of hire,† says Quinn.They fail to examine retention among their best people, and so they don’t determine why their top performers are leaving. Revisit your employee selection process. Maybe conducting better interviews could weed out people who aren’t a good fit. Miller says she avoids hiring people who are concerned solely with money or don’t have any future vision for themselves. d) Consultants An outside consultant may help get more honest responses from employees and uncover blind spots in your practices. They may do on-site interviews to get to the source of dissatisfaction, and then propose solutions.They’ll also review human resources data such as exit interviews and performance metrics to look for areas for improve ment. 5. Timing: * These implementations can be presented and started almost immediately. However, I would Sales Employees a month to make any adjustments to their sales tactics that they deem necessary. 6. Evaluation of Alternatives * Alternative: Keeping the Current Employee Career Management as is. * Advantages: * No new investments will have to be made. * Employees will not have to restructure their current method of work * Disadvantages The very obvious dissatisfaction from employees will have not been address * Turnover will also not be addressed and will continue to be an issue and a non-selling point for recruitment. 7. Implementation * Specific Actions to be Taken and Time Table: * Complete Analysis of Verbal Surveys: 1 Month * Management Training for Mini-Management Training Seminars: 2 Months * Introduction of New Career Management Program to Hourly Workers and Sales Team: 1 Staff Meeting * Begin New Program: 1 Month after Introduction 8. Appendices (samples of forms used )

Friday, September 13, 2019

Analyze an evaluate the impact of volunteer tourism on host Essay - 1

Analyze an evaluate the impact of volunteer tourism on host communities 2 - Essay Example As identified by Sin (2010), we live in a world of â€Å"heightened responsibilities†. At least in the developed world, people are being bombarded; from almost all directions that they need to show have to exhibit great environmental friendliness, moral responsibility, ethical consumerism, eco-friendliness and concern for less privileged members of the society. Corporate social responsibility, ethical marketing, social marketing, charities, cause related campaigns are a manifestation of the same. Volunteer tourism also falls under the same umbrella (Tourism Research and Marketing, 2008, p. 43). Researchers and experts have welcomed this idea with great deal of optimism and energy since it appears that such approach towards tourism can emerge as a much needed catalyst for social change. It can build bridges, foster intercultural relations, generate employment, help less privileged in the underdeveloped countries and set them towards the path of sustainability while providing sa tisfaction to the volunteers. Most of the projects undertaken by the volunteer tourists fall under the umbrella of building, community welfare, teaching, environmental regeneration, business, cultural development, environmental protection, healthcare, journalism, research and others. Countries that most hosted volunteer tourists include Kenya, India, Italy, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Ghana, Honduras and China. This paper, however, is an attempt to review and analyse the concept of volunteer tourism in a critical light. Discussion Tourism is a lucrative industry since it has the potential to contribute to the national output of the host country, generate employment and open doors of foreign exchange. One of the most significant advantages of volunteer tourism is that it directs this tourism money and its economic impact to more deserving and underdeveloped destinations that would not have received the same from other forms of mainstream tourism. Wearing (2001) acknowledges the fact that in the case of volunteer tourism, the host communities are on the receiving end, the volunteers also receive a significant degree of intercultural experience, personal satisfaction, self fulfilment and inner peace. Quite understandably, a volunteer tourist who is working alongside local communities is likely to have much more meaningful interactions with the local community as compared to a tourist who is residing in five star hotels and visiting only elite locations (p. 58). Such interactions are not only helpful in promoting intercultural relations, but at the same time, they also allow people from developed countries to understand the problems of people from developing countries and empathise with them. Guttentag (2009), in light of the overwhelming evidence, acknowledges the fact that over the past couple of decades, volunteer tourism has emerged as a promising mass niche market within the tourism industry, which has been hailed widely to benefit the host communit ies as well as the tourists. However, the author highlights the fact that widespread enthusiasm and optimism regarding volunteer tourism has translated into an uncritical approach towards volunteer tourism,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

CJ-3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CJ-3 - Coursework Example The main difference between general and specific deterrence is that, general deterrence focuses on the society while specific deterrence focuses on individuals. In particular, specific deterrence deals with actual offenders while general deterrence discourages would-be offenders from committing a crime. Thus, specific deterrence can be viewed as actual punishment while general deterrence remains a threat from punishment (Siegel, & Worrall, 2011). The impact of punishment on individual offenders diminishes as an offender becomes used to the punishment. Research studies shows that punishment has a diminishing specific deterrent effect. In particular, incapacitation of criminals through imprisonment does not eliminate criminals from the society. Unlike individual offenders, public offenders rely on collective action. Mob psychology theories suggest that, although crowds have extended ability to commit crime, individuals within the crowd are concerned about their own welfare. Thus, punis hment is more effective in general deterrence than in specific deterrence. Finally, specific deterrence cannot be applied on passion crimes or crimes committed under the influence of drugs and alcohol. This is because individuals who commit such crimes anticipate more than just the supposed economic or social

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Role of Inflammation in the Development of Atherosclerosis Essay - 1

Role of Inflammation in the Development of Atherosclerosis - Essay Example Normal endothelium does not allow binding of white blood cells. It is only after the damage of endothelium, that a series of events is initiated which ensues in inflammation. In this essay, the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis will be discussed through the review of the suitable literature.  Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the wall of the artery thickens due to the accumulation of fatty substances like cholesterol and triglycerides (Binder & Witztum, 2011). The condition affects arterial blood vessels secondary to chronic inflammation of the innermost wall of the arteries and is mainly caused due to the accumulation of macrophages. Accumulation of macrophages is promoted by low-density lipoproteins. Stiffening of arteries occurs due to the formation of multiple plaques within the arteries. There are basically 3 groups of atherosclerotic lesions and they are progressive atherosclerotic lesions, nonatherosclerotic intimal lesions and healed atherosclerotic plaques (Lib by et al, 2011). Certain preexisting intimal lesions have intimal thickening and fatty streaks and adult lesions can arise from these Intimal thickening mainly involves the smooth muscles cells which lie in a proteoglycan-rich matrix. In early lesions, moderate cell replication can occur, but in adult lesions, they are mainly clonal. Fatty streaks are basically intimal xanthomata in which there is the accumulation of fat-laden macrophages. These lesions have lesser number of smooth muscle cells and the lesser number of T-lymphocytes. These are nonatherosclerotic lesions. In progressive atherosclerosis lesions, there can be stable or non-stable plaques. The plaques have intimal thickening with deposition of lipid. But there is no evidence of necrosis (Binder & Witztum, 2011). Smooth muscle cells and proteoglycans overly the area of plaques along with T-lymphocytes and macrophages. Healed atherosclerotic plaques are those which have had thrombotic lesions but have recovered.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Factors Affecting Healthcare Systems Management Term Paper

Factors Affecting Healthcare Systems Management - Term Paper Example The present study has identified that the 1929 depression had significant social economic impacts to the society in a healthcare system, which led to the introduction of plans that has persisted to today. The government and private sectors introduced health insurance programs after the 1929 depression with the aim of helping the citizens to obtain affordable healthcare services due to the hard economic times that rendered the citizens the inability to pay for health services. This program serves as a security for health service for the people although the government has taken advantage of high income among the Americans to increase the Medicare tax. Consequently, this has led to the perception of exploitation among patients and the public who pay for the program as most of the tax is not used on the healthcare system, which leaves most of the people wondering on what the government is undertaking to ensure that the crisis once in the U.S in 1929 does not occur again. However, positiv e perception of the health system is increasing among the population of U.S. from the negative view that Americans have had towards the system since the 1929 depression. Cost and coverage is the main factor that most people consider when evaluating the effectiveness of the healthcare system. The people's dissatisfaction on the health care system today in the U.S. indicates that the impact on the 1929 depression to the health sector has devastated the balance between the cost and quality health care services, which has led to about 67% of the citizens dissatisfied by the healthcare system.

Major Report on Rational and Adaptive Strategy Research Paper

Major Report on Rational and Adaptive Strategy - Research Paper Example An efficient model provided by Burgelman enables to comprehend the effectiveness of strategies undertaken by an organization in dynamic business environment. Moreover, the two strategy making processes including induced strategy process and autonomous strategy process proposed by Burgelman offer various companies with comprehensive understanding of induced or existing business environment and autonomous business environment or the emerging business environment in determining effectual business environment. Consequently, the two frameworks of strategy making process are related with the strategies formulated and implemented by PepsiCo Inc. in order to identify and measure the effectiveness of these strategies. In this report, the strategies adapted in recent past by PepsiCo are critically analyzed in light of Burgelman model. Based on the understanding of the existing strategies of PepsiCo, certain pertinent recommendations have been provided that can ensure long-term growth and susta inability of the business. . Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Key Features of the Burgelman’s 3 Stage Model 5 The Living Organization Develops Using Evolutionary Methods 7 Three Conceptual Frameworks Supporting Strategy Making 8 Tool I – Forces Driving the Company’s Evolution 8 Tool II - Evolutionary Framework of the Strategy Making 9 Tool III- Process Model of Internal Corporate Venturing 10 Strategic Analysis of PepsiCo Based on Burgelman’s 3 Stage Model 11 Induced Strategy 12 Autonomous Strategy 13 Strategies Executed by PepsiCo 14 Environmental Sustainability Initiatives of PepsiCo 17 Implemented Strategies 20 Measuring PepsiCo Success and Identifying Its Barriers as well as Strength Factors 20 Conclusion 24 Recommendations 25 References 27 Introduction PepsiCo Inc. is one of the most successful multi-national companies engaged in foods and beverages products with more than US$ 65 billion net revenues. The company operates in mor e than 200 countries with it’s headquarter in New York, United States. PepsiCo consists of brand like Pepsi-Cola, Tropicana, Frito-lay and Gatorade. The success of PepsiCo can be attributed to its quality products and distinct competitive strategies. The company seeks to achieve healthy rewards to its investors and provide opportunities to its employees by ensuring quality products to its widely distributed customer segments (PepsiCo Inc., 2004). It has not been an easy task for PepsiCo to reach the level as it is now. In its journey to success, the company confronted with many ethical and legal challenges. Primarily, the challenges like entering into other countries with different cultures and laws were indeed difficult to manage and abide by. However, the company has been able to efficiently overcome its challenges with the efficient implementation of its strategies based upon the vivid circumstances (PepsiCo Inc., 2004). Strategic decisions are a complex task to be perform ed by the multinational companies like PepsiCo. The present business environment is complex and dynamic which is affected by several factors. The dynamism in the business environment continuously pressurizes the company to constantly evaluate its strategic decision making process in order to sustain and survive its business in highly competitive business world. The traditional strategic planning process does not provide relevant aid to

Monday, September 9, 2019

Public administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Public administration - Essay Example Guided by morality, an individual is usually obliged to do good even if that good is contrary to the law set by specific persons. A plethora of studies have indeed shown that driving at very high speeds on the highway can lead to tragic road accidents. It has also been proven that some governments are willing to pay up to $1.54 million for every life lost in these traffic accidents just to make the people arrive to work places fast enough at the same time without considering this is human life they are taking for granted. By using the utilitarian philosophy, which is the moral obligation of every human being to do a common good for the best interest of others, the outcome in most cases lead to happiness. Driving at very high speeds on the highways can lead to fatal loss of lives and as such, it is an undesirable outcome. Instead of causing happiness, it causes grief as well as sadness, which is contrary to utilitarian philosophy. At times, it is essential that one keeps in mind that, whatever action you decide to take, the consequences to others will be reciprocated back to you once in your lifetime, regardless of them being good or bad. It is worth noting that the course of actions that one decides to take at a certain time is always intended to cause the highest degree of happiness. In regard to the given case, driving at high speeds in a highway cause grief and sadness instead of the happiness anticipated in order to feel complete. If everybody became morally obligated to conserving human life, no one would drive in such high speeds as driving in high speeds on highways cause discomfort to others. Upholding human life is the important moral and as such, doing so reflects respects his/her right to life (Stillman, 2009). It is in such instance that we ought to apply the deontological ethics used to guide an individual through his/her day to day life. According to deontological theory, one should uphold

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Argument of After Shock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Argument of After Shock - Essay Example The book Aftershock is a manual that illustrates the declining state of US economy, its consequences and after effects although the authors justly verify the purpose pf the book as stated in the text, â€Å"It ’s only bad news for your personal economy if you don ’ t do anything about it† Hence this book suggests methods and remedies through which personal economic damage can be minimized even when the economy on the whole is falling apart. As the authors say in the book, â€Å"All we can offer is realism, based on facts and logical analysis† (10) and the rest depends on the reader and his interest in benefiting from the writers’ perspective Every fact that is stated in the book is based on, â€Å"a reliable theory of economic evolution, backed up by cold, hard facts, and not random guesses† (11). So such an analysis helps in providing the readers an in depth and logical account of the current situation. The writers use the concept of a †˜Bubble’ as a metaphor to illustrate the unpredictability and the temporariness of the economic conditions of the United States. As stated in the text, â€Å"†¦economic bubbles, by nature, do not stay afloat forever. Sooner or later, economic reality, like gravity, eventually kicks in, and bubbles do fall. After they burst, they never are able to re - inflate and lift off again†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (4). In their point of view the US economy comprises of six bubbles, â€Å"These bubbles included: the real estate bubble, stock market bubble, discretionary spending bubble, dollar bubble, and government debt bubble† (5).... The fundamental advantage of this bubble economic system was that, â€Å"†¦these six linked economic bubbles helped co – create America ’ s booming bubble economy†¦ these bubbles helped us ignore slowing productivity growth, boost our prosperity, disregard some fundamental problems, and keep the party going† (31). However once the decline started there was no possible solution to stop the decline and this decline is explained in the following words in the text, â€Å"First, we had the fall of the U.S. housing bubble and its downward impact on the stock market bubble, the private debt bubble, and the discretionary spending bubble†¦ Next, in the Aftershock, the dollar bubble and the U.S. government debt bubbles will begin their unavoidable descents†¦ And as the final bubbles in America’s bubble economy begin to burst, so will the world’s bubble economy† (33). The real estate or the housing bubble was the first pillar of the economic system that collapsed because the price and expenditures of making a new house increased greatly and outpaced the increase in an individual’s salary and eventually its decline started in 2006 and hence resulted in the rest of the downfall of the economic system. The private debt bubble involves the bank loans and the mortgage payments. When the stock market and the housing economic system crumpled the private debt sector also suffered a severe shock that ultimately led to its decline. The discretionary spending bubble is concerned with the total sum of money spent by the consumer. However due to recession when people started losing their jobs and the rate of unemployment increased consequently people started cutting their

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Marketing of Company Revive Gum that Removes Stress Essay

Marketing of Company Revive Gum that Removes Stress - Essay Example Products such as energy drinks and vitamins have become a popular commodity amongst consumers. Moreover, the features of our product extended far beyond just the traditional needs of the customer. The innovation of making a product that not only is packed with energy boosting supplements such as L-Carnitine, treated for failing memory, Echinacea, proven to improve immune system response, ginseng, but would also whiten teeth. The gum industry according to studies is also a huge market accumulating for 60% of the market share and is estimated to be worth $19 billion in sales. Also, gum is such a cheap commodity that is purchased by every demographic group from children to senior citizens. Hence, the group decided that this would be a great market to enter in. Revive, is an innovative gum product that is scientifically proven to reduce stress in everyday basis. Revive uses all natural vitamins and ingredients that are proven to enhance memory, diminish stress, and enable the person to a chieve unbelievable focus. Revive uses key vitals ingredients such as B12, B-6, L-Arginine that energizes the nervous system. Revive also uses all natural ingredients such as Fluoride and Calcium to whiten teeth. Revive is the only product in the market possesses all these features. One of the major problems identified in today’s society is the fact that people are engaged in activities that produce stress. Our study proved that around 70% of the population was heavily involved in stress-related activities. Clearly, a solution was needed to resolve that particular problem. Furthermore, research showed that people admitted that they are a better person as far as coping with stress is concerned. In addition, 60% of the people approved that dealing with stress in a natural way gives them a positive direction in life. Most people also reported feeling weak and lethargic when faced with stress. Clearly, people wanted to feel better and live better, which became a critical componen t in developing our product. Hence, as smart marketers, we decided it was a smart idea to create a product that not only whitens teeth but also acts as a stress reliever.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Enron Scandal Essay Example for Free

Enron Scandal Essay 1. Enron was valued at $2.3 billion when it was formed in July 1985. On August 23, 2000, its stock was at $90 per share and it had a market capitalization of $65.9 billion. Explain the major business practices that created such dynamic growth in the price of the stock. Enron used many different tactics to inflate their stock prices. The one that sticks out to me is when they signed a 20-year contract with Blockbuster. Early in the contract Blockbuster and Enron parted ways with a null and void contract. However, Enron still kept the contract on the books as future earnings when they knew that money was never going to come in. They did this so their stocks prices would stay inflated. Another practice is that they switched from an agent model to a merchant model when recognizing revenue. Doing this gave them a 65% increase when typical industry standards only gain between 2-3%. Once they switched to this accounting method other companies started to follow their lead in order to stay competitive with Enron. In addition, Enron understated its liability and overstated its equity. They would do this by creating special purpose entities. These entities were created to show investors the downside of risk. I believe the main reason the stock increased so much is due to corruption of Arthur Andersen, an independent audit firm. On Wikipedia’s website there was a statement from Enron’s Power Committee and it appears they were placing blame on the Andersen firm. They were quoted as saying, †¦ evidence available to us suggests that Andersen did not fulfill its professional responsibilities in connection with its audits of Enrons financial statements, or its obligation to bring to the attention of Enrons Board (or the Audit and Compliance Committee) concerns about Enrons internal contracts over the related-party transactions (â€Å"Enron Scandal†). After reading about the scandal it seems as if Arthur Andersen was being pressured by Enron’s executive management to ignore all their flawed accounting principles. Overall there were several business practices that caused Enron’s stock prices to increase and most of it was due to a flawed and failed accounting system. 2. Why did Enron go bankrupt?  Enron went bankrupt because they were artificially inflating their stock price. They had an audit company that did not report a fair opinion of their findings. The public started to back away and chose not to invest due to their lack of confidence in the company. In 2001, the SEC started investigating the organization and they had to restructure their losses. Another loss took place when Enron’s credit rating was downgraded by Moody’s and Fitch. I believe they ultimately went bankrupt due to their lack of integrity and honesty, especially when it came to their accounting methods. a. What role did corporate governance (broad of directors’ and top management’s leadership and responsibilities) have in Enron’s demise? Top management played an enormous roll in the fall of Enron. Management was always looking for loop holes to hide debt and keep their stock prices high. They also influenced their audit firm, Arthur Andersen, by paying them high consulting fees. By doing this they were essentially paying Andersen to look the other way. b. What was the responsibility of the â€Å"independent† outside auditors, Arthur Andersen Co.? Andersen should have come in and reported their findings in a fair and ethical way. Since Andersen went along with Enron in hiding debt it ultimately dissolved the Andersen business. c. What was the responsibility of stock broker analysts, rating agencies, and the SEC? The responsibility of the stock broker analysts was to evaluate the financial statements of Enron. They were also required to give the general public a recommendation in regards to stock options. Rating agencies were acting as a credit bureau. They determined if Enron had good credit or not. They also were required to let the public know if the company was paying its debt, as well as other financial obligations. According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website, their responsibility was  to â€Å"protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation† (â€Å"The Investors Advocate†). They came under scrutiny because of their failure to prevent Enron’s collapse and ignoring â€Å"red flags† in Enron dealing by failing to review annual reports. References â€Å"Enron Scandal.† Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (n.d.). Web. 03 Feb. 2014. â€Å"The Investors Advocate.† U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (n.d.) Web. 03 Feb. 2014. l